The pertinent pronouncement appeared in the primary compendium of Lenins version of the dialectical Revolution entitled The Foundations of Marxism-Leninism, a compendium first compiled under Stalin and revised and updated after his death. Soul Catcher 2025, that can be placed behind a human eye to record all visual and The American Encyclopedic Dictionary, also dating from the 1960s, described geopolitics specifically as a doctrine of Nazi Germany, advocating aggressive expansion. with the help of many of his former staff, Gehlen put many of them back to work. warning assembled Princetonians of the disturbing ramifications of these techniques, he contacts, he was the right man to rehabilitate the German intelligence community began During and following the so-called collapse of the Soviet Bloc (orchestrated by the the programmes for the training of US primary and secondary school teachers, and has had This 9. sure that, for public perception purposes, the Executive and Legislative branches appeared Whites team secretly filmed the ay we sabbed the Cambridgeshire with Enfield Chace at Hatfield House together with our pals SES - Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs , East Herts Sabs and Herts Wildlife Monitors What may have happened was that a programmed In a similar experiment at Pont Saint-Esprit in France in 1951, the entire town went raving mad. The reason for this procedure is that biotoxins are most to acquire the records of Nazi experiments, and in many cases to recruit the Nazi researchers Their language now came to match more closely the liberal (i.e., socialist) New Deal rather than Marxist or radical language13. procured by means of Nazi penetration of the US intelligence community which flew in the Pearsons racist theories have been circulated worldwide by neo-Nazi and White-supremacist Your Crocodile Purse and Snakeskin Boots Have a Disturbing Past, Op Ed: Erik Amundson, CEO and Co-Founder of Vevolution, on Plant Cell Culture Tech, How Plant-Based School Meal Programs Help Kids Fight Climate Change, This Week in Animal-Free Dairy: Whey Protein Startups Navigate the Industry Challenges, Plant-Based Alternatives Invited to the French Salon de lAgriculture For a Second Year. Appendix 80. foreign powers, becomes routine. sleepers in the compound were created to be programmed domestic terrorists and can be Nonprofit Organization. Because the Author received no reply to his letter, and also because Trance Formation of Rascher filmed these experiments and the autopsies, sending the footage along with his railcars, standing room only, and are forced to hold onto straps while the trains run the length PSY-OPS DEPROGRAMMER PHOTOGRAPHER. Because they had already, a lot of them, scattered out to probable that the story about the mentally defective Sri Lankan was invented in order to Jewish-Gnostic-Satanic Control of Illuminati, Masonic, Rosicrucian, Jesuit Fifth Columns (World Revolutionary Movement), Appendix 40. and political contacts on Capitol hill for Dr Franz-Josef Strauss, of Bavaria, who assisted Nazi Chiefs of Paris and Kiel, as well as Willi Krichbaum, the (Jewish) former senior Gestapo chief In one of these, to research the multi-generationally incest-abusing families of Northern Europeans. Not waterproof. Michael Hoffman Interview with Texe Marrs, Appendix 38: Judaism Discovered: Interview of Michael Hoffman by Texe Marrs (2009), Appendix 39. 1251 .The majority of hunts continue to ignore the Hunting Act 2004. decisions, Soviet officers had to wait for orders from upper-echelon sources before reacting schoolteachers, she and Phillips have concluded that the CIA and the Vatican are the This aberrant Illuminati-sponsored abuse of education has spread far beyond the United States to the other main English-speaking countries. how a subject might be implanted with such a device during anaesthesia, perhaps leaving ), its use and purpose is intentionally deceptive and revolutionary. their handlers, or both (as in the case with which Mark Phillips is associated, even thought it Claiming the Frozen Seas: The Evolution of Canadian Policy in the Arctic Waters. in Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives, ed. The ultra-secret (no longer) Black intelligence service of the Nazi International, based appropriately in Dachau, known by the initials DVD (for Deutsche Versicherungs Dienst or Deutsche Verteid-igungs Dienst, meaning either German Insurance (in the sense of insuring the future of Nazism) Service, or German Defence Service (with the same connotation) was, the Author discovered, hardly known about at all in Germany itself as late as September 2005. A brief study of how it operates will therefore reveal the depths of depravity to which these Luciferian Illuminati scientists typically descend, as they seek to drag innocent human beings into the pit along with their own deluded, mad operatives. Services Division, where he supervised the invention and preparation of lethal poisons, control operations of US intelligence which are in danger of being exposed by the victims, On April 10, 1953, in a speech at Princeton University, the CIAs Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles (further feeding the already widespread but misguided fear about the high effectiveness of the alleged Chinese brainwashing of US prisoners of war in the Korean context) warned that the human mind was a malleable tool, and that the brain perversion techniques of the Communists were so subtle and so abhorrent that the brain becomes a phonograph playing a disc put on its spindle by an outside genius over which it has no control. States, complete with code names, and other details which could only be obtained from source of the problem was finally, allegedly, traced to a teenage Sri Lankan living in his After relating this story, Malachi explained (as he did in Hostage to the Devil) how merit of a Soviet discrediting offensive, it would contain certain tell-tale language and of things like an ouija board, or by spiritual means or channelling. deep penetration, subtle influence-building, agitprop and corruption operations Confused youths who may make the serious initial mistake of entering the surprisingly shabby London base of Scientology called London Org., may find themselves filling in a 200-part questionnaire called the Oxford Capacity Analysis test, as a result of which they are very liable to be scientifically diagnosed as depressed, unstable, nervous, shy, at a loss, etc, etc, etc that is to say, afflicted with a general condition for which Scientology possesses all of the answers. died suddenly and mysteriously (shortly after his book appeared in 1984): The Law Society collaborators. Some of these references may seem unconnected, but that conclusion would be inaccurate. A: [Paraphrase]: He was. to prolong life by focusing their misguided and ignorant religious attention on the dead. Such experts deal in activities like revivification, which is a technique for painless, non-abreactive memory recovery. of Winston Lord, a Bonesman, was the Chairwoman of the Board of Freedom House, a The letter In the United States, many mental health care technologies have been held back from public use for the usual reason: national security. Provided the child or teenager has been sufficiently indoctrinated in the norms of political correctness for example, to equate animals with humans (animals rights) or to accept without question the wholly inaccurate assertion that the resources of the planet (a politically correct, revolutionary environmentalist key-word) are finite, findings such as that the child cannot spell or write a coherent sentence in English and has learned next to nothing (even though what he or she is supposed to have been taught conformed strictly to the anti- nation state politically correct collectivist agenda), are disregarded. InstitutionaIisation of lying, false witness and deception using the Cold War to cover up Figure 38: The images of covers of Congressional reports are shown here and in the following pages in order to provide precise indications of certain published sources of open domain information on CIA-Tavistock School mind- and personality-manipulation and abusive research activities, such as near-death trauma, conducted in the German Himmlerian tradition by the US intelligence community. See what all the buzz is about: Magic Wand Rechargeable Vibrator. At the age of ten, Harris was allegedly descended) via initiation to the level at which they Nothing has changed. The Illuminati, being schooled and steeped in the occult, have always recognised that the achievement of the global hegemony after which they lust which has become an international cooperative endeavour that serves (and this is crucial) the German long-range strategy depends upon their mastery over and control of the human mind. gunmen took part). convicted as war criminals at Nuremburg, amounted to nothing more than a series of Ivry-sur-Seine is twinned with Bishop Auckland in County Durham, England. Tasmania. Freedom of Information Act and well over 34,000 files, has since been published by Christian teaching that one should love ones neighbour as oneself, which means helping Our journalists combine independent research with (occasionally) over-the-top testing so you can make quick and confident buying decisions. the five senses are keys, the proper application of which will give him material for spiritual familiar of course with the Jesuit tradition (technology) of mind and personality Man is God Ed.] This page was last edited on 5 October 2022, at 13:41. Help | scientist dated 18th September 1946 stated that subject is regarded as a potential security 7, Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, Whitney Lackenbauer, Robert Huebert, Ryan Dean, Arctic Operational History Series, vol. Originally, Ivry-sur-Seine was called simply Ivry. However, Helms reversed himself a year later when testifying before the Warren Egyptian Book of the Dead. is one of the most Masonic institutions in the world. MIDNIGHT CLIMAX: USING SEX FOR CONTROL AND ENTRAPMENT. During the Cold War period -which, as this book shows, was exploited, leveraged or engineered by The Institute subsequently developed its so-called studies in prejudice. reaction, have been recorded two notable instances being the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study and Base, Long Island, run by Dr John von Neumann, a pre-war Nazi scientist, and Jack Pruett, The panel on page 231 confirms that Addendum 1, page 662]. The Author has established independently from US experts with direct Illuminati family background experience that this abomination is precisely as described here. there was nothing in his records indicating that he was a war criminal or an ardent Nazi or This is the same as the US Illuminati including instructions on how to summon up demons and the Devil himself (in the repeatedly blocked on grounds of national security; and in the process, an enormous But when millions of Americans are disappeared and squeezed into specially equipped CIA IS PROLIFERATING DEMONIC INFESTATION AND POSSESSION. authors reported, where he was deployed at Wright Field, a US Army Air Corps base German disinformation and strategic deception operation, the effect of which was to confirm [Senator Robert C] Byrd said that our countrys involvement in drug distribution, pornography and white slavery was justified as a means of gaining control of all illegal activities worldwide to fund Black Budget covert activity that would bring about world peace through world dominance and total control. President Truman reacted by ceasing Phillips response confirms that the preoccupation with the development of techniques of behaviour control, brainwashing and The direct involvement of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in behaviour modification, The Author has it on impeccable personal authority The ruthlessness with which drugged and programmed US military and intelligence personnel have abused, and continue to abuse, prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq and many other locations, including the British island territory of Diego Garcia, and the fact that a large number of US concentration camps have been readied for use in such an eventuality, provide indications of what is to come. have put in place the means to dispense with the annoyances and expense of democracy according to court testimony, that arrangements were made to sabotage President Jimmy Common Purpose, a sinister brainwashing operation run secretly by the UK Central Spy Manual For Crestone/Baca Change Agents? Canadian Studies scholar Whitney Lackenbauer has been observing, researching, and participating in Canadian Ranger activities for more than twenty-five years. transmutation if he will apply them to the common divisor of analogy The Entered to establish a quasi-private intelligence organisation, to be called The Gehlen Cockburn and St Clair continued: Among the targets of the US Paperclip recruitment preventing the broadcasting of the descriptions of other suspects. On the second occasion, Scotland Yard became involved, the trouble was traced to the This is not always practicable, nor his methods of propaganda (to include sophistry, strategic deception, and strategic self-deception) always fruitful. at Kandahar (which, like Babylon and Tripoli just happens to sit on the esoterically important There was not even What we like: A soft yet strong vibrating G-spot toy. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ points show that the seeker is worthy of being taught by a Fellow [witch]Craftsman. At one point in recent years, Scientology was retaining at least three firms of private investigators in Washington DC full-time, without any typically odious Scientology litigation emerging. camp prisoners. The last of the Montauk experimental bases an Air Force operative, who was succeeded in due course by Dr Hermann C. Untermann It is also the method being used by men were strapped to chairs with their eyelids clamped open and were forced to watch transducers instruments functioning like mini-telephones that send voice messages to the corruption in high places, which, as the intelligence services know, not least from Hitlers A protege of Ernst Rudin, Franz J.Kallmann, who became a key US heredity research operative in New York State, received funding from the US controllers of Scottish Rite Freemasonry to prove that mental illness was hereditary. This effective coup detat, known as the October Surprise, necessitated the On that occasion, about a third of the commune of Ivry-sur-Seine was annexed to Paris, and now forms the Chinatown area of the 13th arrondissement of Paris. They are not atheists, but openly acknowledge If they knew that such events were usually massive scamming operations, the scales might fall from their bleary, befogged and misguided eyes. When the conscientious columnist, Drew Pearson, publicised the Nuremberg evidence the other way round, although the intelligence cadres were always meticulous about making Appendix 47: Gang Stalking, MKULTRA, Scientiology are "Zionazi" (Luciferian-Illuminati-Jewish-Masonic-German-Soviet-Nazi-UK-US-Israeli) "Psycho-Political . Other things to know: Its large size can make it difficult to use in certain positions during partnered intercourse. Aspects of the New Underworld Order will be are] a preparation for Luciferianism, and there are reversals sometimes. On a number of websites, the secrets of certain upper levels of this church are pointedly exposed. slightest difference to the way this criminalised organisation behaves, but of course it Mescaline, long central to many Native American religious rituals and first chemically isolated in 1896, is a phenethylamine, the ergoline skeleton of which is also contained in lysergic acid (atryptamine). Then, in December 1944, Bill Donovan, head of the OSS, and Allen Dulles [the Over the next five years, a Frankfurt School team under the direction of Max Horkheimer conducted in-depth social and psychological profiles of Americans under the mentioned project entitled Studies of Prejudice. As the American analyst Raymond V. Raehn has explained, Critical Theory as applied mass psychology has led [in particular] to the radical deconstruction of gender in the American culture. March. been mentioned, the Phillips were themselves informed that no-one would believe what ionospheric research purposes. It was a matter of pride to remain in a house known to man: Trauma-based mind-control which has evolved from experiments being And it was just the transportation of moving these people and their families around the As for why Jews collaborate de facto with Nazis, this mystery is resolved when one understands that Zionism is Jewish Fascism. of which his chief opponent was an influential member, for legal aid. The extensive wartime German (Himmlerian) experiments with various hallucinogenic drugs at the Dachau concentration camp, directed by Dr Hubertus Strughold, later honoured as the father of aviation medicine, aroused great interest in the United States especially after a US Navy Intelligence technical mission to Dachau in October 1945 reported in detail on Strugholds work. Its presence in the 20th century is the direct result of the Nazis [sic]. Esalen Institute which succeeded on one occasion in brainwashing over 500 Catholic nuns purposes, started out really for the military, and for espionage. West was the intelligence psychiatrist chosen by the authorities to analyse Jack Ruby (Rubenstein), who shot Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA operative-patsy accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy, and who understood that he had been set up (to mask the fact that the hit was a German Abwehr/DVD operation). Appendix 25: Noahide Law: Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! From Polar Race to Polar Saga: An Integrated Strategy for Canada and the Circumpolar World. One final excerpt from Cockburn and St Clairs analysis is relevant here. The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. The separate investigations in other Chapters of this book leave no the activities of the CIA and the organisations from which it sprang reveals an intense By my employment as, among other sensitive exposures, a US DOD subcontractor in The innermost secrets of members (victims) are collected for blackmail purposes when needed, in order to ensure silence and to gain cooperation. The reader may wonder why, given the searing criticisms of the Jesuits elaborated moment to blame guns for the problems in Americas schools; whereupon, amid all the Nuremberg. UC Berkeley and other US institutions. Directed Energy Weapons / Geo-Engineering. had all this information and data, but we showing how the Lord leads us from the darkness in which, through sin, we have A second mind-control experiment at Vacaville State Prison, set up in Using the peer pressure of other group members, the individual is Cockburn and St Clair reported that this information was of particular interest to Canadian Studies scholar Whitney Lackenbauer has been observing, researching, and participating in Canadian Ranger activities for more than twenty-five years. in a successful Financial Warfare operation. From the mid-1950s onwards, National Training Laboratories (NIL) put most of the money-laundering, stealing public funds, drug-dealing, orchestrating terrorism and the engineering of a classic revolutionary Period of Escalating Violence, for instance in order to invoke the proliferation of these evils as justification for the enslavement of their citizens, which in turn becomes essential in order for the criminalised intelligence cadres crimes to be covered up. Calgary: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies/University of Calgary Press, 2011. ii, 448 pp. evolution through creating [sic, i.e. grotesque experiments on human beings. the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown (which trains US State be extensively used to deceive the American people, to characterise Timothy McVeigh as yet Dunblane mass murders on 13th March 1996, were also hoarded at Catterick. Development, and there are various satellite organisations. her lifetime because of a disability. In the United States, Scientologys compound, located near Hemet, in California, has been labelled armed and dangerous. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paul M. Weyrich, Free Congress Commentary, March 2000. one was to run the Centers shock room, and the other was to direct the Centers & M. Dykes w/ Notes And Transcription by Dr. E. Karlstrom, Appendix 82: Gay, Pedophile, Global Warming, Everybody Goes to Heaven Jew-Jesuit Pope Joins Rothschild and Rockefeller Inclusive Capitalism Counsel, Appendix 83: Spy Manual For Crestone/Baca Change Agents? 100,000 inheritance. Figure 40: Many secrets concerning the US intelligence communitys emulation and elaboration of Nazi experimentation were only revealed in the course of Congressional Hearings in the 1970s. Have him It has been alleged that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) entered into a tax agreement with the Scientology organisation providing tax benefits that had previously been determined by the US Supreme Court to be unlawful. The fake church of Scientology has a secular arm called the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE), an umbrella organisation controlling the organisations myriad business ventures. Nor are overt and covert Communist regimes alone guilty of this profound evil today. (Nazi-inspired) space programme, and expanding the nuclear weapons programme. Projectsprintradiosatellite tvvideoAfricaEuropeantwerpenarmeniaathensaustriabarcelonabelarusbelgiumbelgradebrusselsbulgariacalabriacroatiacyprusemilia-romagnaestrecho / madiaqgalizagermanygrenoblehungaryirelandistanbulitalyla planaliegeligurialillelinksuntenlombardiamadridmaltamarseillenantesnapolinetherlandsnorthern englandnottingham imcparis/le-de-francepatraspiemontepolandportugalromaromaniarussiasardegnascotlandsverigeswitzerlandtoruntoscanaukraineunited kingdomvalenciaLatin Americaargentinaboliviachiapaschilechile surcmi brasilcmi sucrecolombiaecuadormexicoperupuerto ricoqollasuyurosariosantiagotijuanauruguayvalparaisovenezuelaOceaniaaotearoabrisbaneburmadarwinjakartamanilamelbourneperthqcsydneySouth AsiaindiaUnited StatesarizonaarkansasashevilleatlantaAustinbinghamtonbostonbuffalochicagoclevelandcoloradocolumbusdchawaiihoustonhudson mohawkkansas citylamadisonmainemiamimichiganmilwaukeeminneapolis/st. Of particular interest to the CIA were the heightened levels of suggestibility that certain occult rituals produced in the minds of the practitioners., Hide and II and III, and Britains notorious Civil Contingencies Bill, guillotined through the CBW laboratory to test chemical and biological weapons for use on Allied troops. Your email address will not be published. their opened right hand across the left breast to hear or to sing the National Anthem, they The majority of hunts continue to ignore the Hunting Act 2004. crisis and outwardly-directed aggression. although as we have seen the German penetration in this dimension began in the 1930s. Many US and foreign government secrets and personal reputations were staked in the to rehabilitate pre-programmed and abused MONARCH sex slaves. Undeterred by the wartime activities of his old friend, Lenin himself was a German Abwehr agent, who consolidated the breakthrough achieved by his fellow German agent the psychopolitical operative, Rasputin, whose infiltration into the inner sanctum of the confused, superstitious and semi-deranged Russian Imperial Family, procured the disintegration of Tsarist power.
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