Current News | Introduction | Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Sylphs | Emerging Diseases | Forbidden Cures | Ozone | Immunity Boosting | Nutrition |Tone Gen Senator Ralph Yarborough - 3rd car back "Smelled gunpowder in the car." Consequently the third copy was sent to the LIFE magazines production facilities in Chicago. JFK Assassination Zapruder Stabilized Motion Panorama HD plus SloMo - 50th anniversary. Taken with the Carolyn Arnold statement, I have to coclude that Oswald was innocent. Nix was an air conditioning engineer who apparently left school after the fourth grade. John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, popularly known as JFK, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 at 12:30pm in Dallas, Texas. Deputy Sherriff Roger Craig even identifies him as Oswald as he leaves the rear of the building. Richard Feynman., Bill Cooper Identifies JFK Gatekeepers and Shills (May 23, 1989) Austin P. Miller, of the Texas Lousiana Freight Bureau, was standing on the railway overpass overlooking Elm Street and was asked by Sen. Arlen Spector "where the shots came from?" a thousand-word footnote in his 1980 book. A publisher from Germany even called me long distance for 45 minutes to pursuade me to have Fred submit the manuscript to him; at least it would have a printing in German. Jenkins, found at this link: Heres the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. He did not publish it. "The doctor said one bullet passed from back to front on the right side of the President's head. That person was a 58-year old Dallas dress manufacturer, Abraham Zapruder, who died in 1970. Seth/Jane Roberts | Power of Thought | Spiritualism | Hope | Healing Thought Forms | Vanquish Fear |Prevent Alien/Demon Attacks | Rockefeller File | War a Racket I'm Joe Janes of the University of Washington Information School. DU considers the following characteristics in the credit report to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers who have traditional credit histories: credit history, delinquent accounts, installment accounts, revolving credit utilization, public records, foreclosures, collection accounts, and inquiries. After that he put a condition that the Frame 313 will not be made public. There exists in the National Archives (but not the Warren Commission files) a statement made by Kellerman to the FBI that President Kennedy said "my God, I'm hit," and he says that the President reaches around and grabs his back. Newcomb was one the the earliest researchers to view the Zapruder film. Feynman found that JFKs When John Judge lectured at Cal Poly, we learned from him that former Nazi General Walter Dornberger was brought into this country under Project Paperclip after his superior Werner Von Braun said he "refused to make rockets for us until his buddy Dornberger was brought into this country." Oswald and Ruby? A motorcycle. War on Terror |Tavistock | U.S. which exposed his right temple to the front of the car. When Zapruder sold the film to Life he asked that frame 313 not be shown because that's the one that gave him nightmares and he didn't want to be responsible for giving the world nightmares and Life went along with that for years. var sc_partition=19; The doctored version removed critical frames and fudged other frames of the Zapruder film. Source: taped interview with Fred Newcomb. trajectory of the bullet out of Kennedy's head. She . Abraham Zapruder [Frame 313 of 8mm home movie of assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dallas] Copyright Zapruder Film 1967 (Renewed 1995) The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza Credit line The LIFE Magazine Collection, 2005 Feedback Accession No. You can see from the Zapruder film that Roberts' Secret Service car was following immediately behind JFK's limo (perhaps 3 - 5 feet) at the time of the shooting and certainly not 25 feet behind the limo as stated by Roberts in his official report. have to wait nearly a quarter of a century for scientists to prove that he was They had obtained a good copy of the Zapruder film from the same source in Canada that Elvis Presley had obtained one from. So, the region in red is the location from where the fatal head shot was fired, not from the Book Depository nor from behind the picket fence of the grassy knoll. II, pp 138-139 of the Warre Commission Report Volumes: "I jumped from the car realizing that something was wrong, and ran to the presidential limousine. A car. . Anyone who has seen the Zapruder film knows that Kennedy first grabs his throat and then is slammed violently backward by a shot from the front. Draw your own conclusions. The next photos show no exit hole at the back of his head which would be there had he been shot from the front. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 12:31:02 - FBI Division 5 Team shooter Emilio Santana fires one shot from the Dal-Tex building striking Connally in the back. by going one more frame forward, to Frame 314: The Zapruder film is A woman dressed in pink. Paul combined my information with work by fellow reporter Bob Boyd who accessed some Dallas Police Dept. These are the little known facts that explain why the coffin had to be empty and why Secret Service agents had to pull their guns to prevent the Dallas Coroner from opening it: A secret service agent was running around the hospital asking for a "basket, casket or a bag - anything to put a body in.". Roy Kellerman & William Greer (with bare hands on the wheel) at the beginning of the motorcase through Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. A right side head wound is indicated in the statements of Doctors 1. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." He took the black-and-white copies of the Zapruder film It's been called the most important 26 seconds of film in history: The 486 frames of 8-millimeter Bell + Howell home movie footage shot in the midday sun of Dallas on November 22, 1963, by a. He is located on the right side among some bushes. [Ken Adachi note: JFK was first shot by Greer in the throat which EXITED out of his back. It looks like Kellerman's hairline was extended upward by government artisans in order to deny a clear outline of the gun with Greer's finger around the trigger. files and the article was written. He was given a copy of "Dallas Revisited" to show to Connallys golf partner. the American public, over the past four decades. before and just after the impact of the shot: (These are modern copies of The most important call came from Maine from one Tyler Newcomb, a musician, who gave me the phone number of his father, Fred Newcomb, who with fellow researcher Perry Adams of Santa Barbara, wrote the still unpublished book "Murder From Within," which has a 1975 Copyright. 0:19. Connally was blocking Greer's line of fire to shoot JFK again, so he had to shoot Connally to get him out of the way]. EY Posted August 8, 2007.!7D!0A!3D7855A05297/Larry762/fontcolor3300FF/page4.html I got under the "radar" of the Feds by sending the ad copy and a new check using the return address of a friend in Morro Bay but with my correct P.O. Was William Greer a CIA AGENT? Little Richard - Lucille (1958) [Digitally Remastered] In a video taped lecture made somewhere in the late 1990's, I heard Bill Cooper say that he had closer-to-original Zapruder footage which clearly shows Greer shooting Kennedy. A little known event that I learned about from my interview with Fred Newcomb can best be described as the "hospital room scuffle." It shows the moment when the bullet hit the President and exploded his head. JFK Kennedy Assassination - Zapruder film - high resolution. As you can see from the following photo taken moments after the fatal shooting, the initial impression of the witnesses was that the head shot had come from up on the mall. The case was so strong that Newcomb distributed copies to law enforcement authorities and to members of the Senate and Congress at that time because he felt he would be guilty of obstruction of justice if he didn't. C.L. In the Zapruder film, JFK grabs his throat and slumps forward and to his left onto his wife's shoulder. (are they trying to drop some hints about the upcoming release of CIA documents? That was the famous Altgens Photo [#6] that appeared in Life Magazine that I have a copy of. During the 1960 election, JFK often campaigned atop the rear seats of open convertibles driven slowly through . It is my hope in writing this that some light has been shed for some of you on this sad day in our history. Moments after the shooting and the motorcade has sped away to the hospital, people are still frozen in place looking in the direction of the origin of the shot. yet another method: Frame 312 was, You can also see something They stood next to the doctors trying to save JFK's life, telling them "what happened." Subscribe for daily news, interviews, science, technology, politics, health, entertainment, and business updates, as well as exclusive videos from TIMEs Person of the Year, TIME 100 and more created by TIMEs acclaimed writers, producers and editors. 12:31:07 - William Greer - The limousine driver, brakes the car, turns and sees he still has a live passenger, and then takes the already drawn .45 Cal. i.e. By the evening of that day, Zapruder developed three copies of the film. Archived here: ], Still Frames from Zapruder Film Showing driver William Greer Shooting Kennedy My conclusion is that this assassination was always going to be an inside job, the only sure way to ensure the presidents death. 1:55. President Johnson gave the order to remove the president's body from Parkland hospital. Could it could also have been gunfire being returned from within the car? Zapruder was a top-ranked 33rd-degree Freemason and inspector general of the Scottish Rite. Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories: With Tom Kane, John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Walter Cronkite. This is actually an infamous and gory photograph. wound described by eyewitnesses and the doctors that treated JFK in Dallas! SKU: MSD-8253. We can see the problem just The red arrow in the photo below indicates the trajectory of the brain matter following the bullet out of Kennedy's head. And one can see why because the words of one rejecting publisher was tha t "it is mind shattering." Mary Moorman the school teacher standing next to Jean Hill saw Greer shooting but thought he was shooting back at the assassin. 12:1 5 p.m. CST - Jerry Belknap faints in Dealy Plaza. Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator, to review the cropped and enlarged Zapruder still fames,!7D!0A!3D7855A05297/Larry762/fontcolor3300FF/page4.html,,, Murder From Within: U.S. Secret Service Limo Driver, Bill Greer, Shot Both JFK & Connally on Nov. 22, 1963 (Feb. 5, 2013), Part 2, The Video Documentary, "JFK to 911, Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" is, Part 1, New 3.5 Hour Documentary, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick, While Flawed, Presents Valuable Historic Insights into NWO Elite Machinations (Jan. 14, 2015), Bill Cooper Identifies JFK Gatekeepers and Shills (May 23, 1989), Jim Marrs: Another JFK Gatekeeper Shows His Colors (Updated, Sep. 26, 2010), Gatekeeper Jim Marrs Uses Jeff Rense to Maintain Cover-Up of Secret Service Role in JFK Assassination (July 14, 2009), Former CIA Man Latest To Connect LBJ To JFK Assassination the 1970s, Lifton had argued that the bright reddish-white wound which seems to He wanted to interview me and see how I had come to my conclusion. This version takes the original 18 frame-per-second film and interpolates it to 30 frames per second. But even in the 1960s, It is the ultimate version of the Zapruder film, or at least of Frame 313, and it is agonizing. For $34.88 I got the 29216 coil which is chrome plated and rated at 51,000 volts, 6,000 more volts than the blaster2. When a handgun is fired at close range, powder burns are left on anything in the vicinity. It's titled " William Cooper - JFK Assassin Unmasked". Watch fullscreen 8 years ago JFK Assassination Head Shot In Slow Motion Frames 312 to 317 Stirrergrowth Follow JFK Assassination Head Shot In Slow Motion Frames 312 to 317 Browse more videos Playing next 1:55 JFK Assassination Zapruder Stabilized Motion Panorama HD plus SloMo - 50th anniversary Tv Channels 1:55 Fred Newcomb maintains that the gun was etched with bleach in the doctored Zapruden film into a highlight and aligned with the top of the head of Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman in the front passenger seat, to make you "think" that this was just a highlight [sun reflection] on Kellermans head. a wonderful history of the Zapruder film, and the way it was used to convince As one can see from this diagram, when Greer fired, Governor Connelys suit coat was close to the muzzle blast. Perhaps Emory P. Roberts knew something was about to happen that Hill and Ready didn't know. Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. As you will learn from the story below, There are other films also available of that moment but Zapruders footage shows the gunshot hitting the Presidents head. [Ken Adachi note: As already stated, it was Greer who fired the first shot into JFK's throat]. Most Americans didn't see.
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