The catacombs, a network of dark and narrow underground tunnels and tombs, hold the secret that eventually leads Indy to the hideout of the Holy Grail. Can you admit that was incorrect? We will be backed by gold soon, so it will be very important. Those that deal with tribunals or those that are risen before? What Really Lies Hidden in the Vatican Secret Archives? Perhaps the most disappointing theory, and possibly, by far the most likely, is the idea that the Vatican's Secret Archive holds no earth-shattering secrets at all. We will be well off. We just need to buckle up our seat belts. Underground tunnels found at Templar's 'Vatican' stronghold And if I hear it more than once I know it is legit usually. Knights Templar's lost gold treasure tunnels found under - Metro Church Hill Tunnel - Wikipedia It amazes me that the ds got away with it all for such a long time. It has been said that these ancient books were stolen out of the Bible! It is more that we plant seeds in the hope it will cause people to start doing their own research. The walled, pint-sized city-state known as the Vatican physically takes up around 100 acres in the center of Rome, but occupies a measureless space in the lives of more than a billion practicing Catholics around the globe. Fantastic Research many thanks regards Tony Tyrrell, Quando i dumbs che sono sotto il mare vengono fatti saltare si riempiono di acqua. Hi Hilary! Much appreciated. But, I do love fiction as well as the next guy. . It just. However, when I had heard about that mega Mediterranean volcano from Mike( who works for the gov) on Pastor Begleys channel about 2 years ago, my heart sank bcoz I had remembered the Scripture where the beast would arise from. Its because the White Hats need the previous narrative to continue running while the rest of the plot works out. Local tour guide Aurelia Madeira explained in 2020: We know that where there were Templars, there were tunnels. But you do have to be prepared to ask the HS to lead you into all truth and He will even if its different to what you may have been taught. Id like to think its true our world needs it. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. They might ban me but wont be the first time! Calling him a pedo is about as bad as it gets when all the fellow is trying to do is tell the truth. It does sound very suspicious about their being a (Du/mb) under Rakovski, doesnt it. We believe because of the research we do, not because we simply heard someone say it. Everyone has been through the same. But there are lots of signs we can see and we do know that the White House is being used for tribunals a strange state of affairs when B/iden is supposed to be living there. Hi Patty! Its a worry! In the 12th century, 1190, during the second Arab invasion, Almanzor conquered all the Portuguese territory until he reached Tomar. Thank you so much talk soon Marilyn, Marilyn, I found Charlie Wards videos on and they are in date order. You need to go to alternative sources not the msm as they will tell you nothing. If you hear now stroies about DUMPS (deep military underground bases) where eathquakes are happening, seeming that they are blown up, do you think that there could be a connetction between Vatican, that tunnel, the town Rakovski perhaps the tunnel is interrupted now Look, I dont say I have all the answers I wouldnt say that for a minute but I tell you what once you grasp hold of all this it brings peace to your heart. The Word speaks of it over and over. Thats what I say! Dig into your own research and see for yourself. Amazing! What Lies Beneath: Tunnels for Trafficking, Or Just a Subterranean Thanks for that. Thank you for causing me to check on it. You can say these things are happening, & I believe they are to a degree, but I have no family or friends that will follow the research or believe me. He has made this quite clear in many of his videos. We keep on going, trying our best to alert sleeping people and encourage those who are awake. It does not work like a vaccine not at all. One was a housing complex, later transformed into a luxury domus. Clones my but hangings prove it arrests, prove it. Hmmm. Underground . Nesara/Gesara is real, this is the year of Jubilee! This is what I find so shocking! The report in Iran's Tasnim News comes amid tensions in the region and Iran's increased enrichment of uranium. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Thank you for your thoughts on what you believe is to happen. The subterranean structures began as quarries for the Romans. Using Ordinary People For Extraordinary Events, Italy scrambles to contain second wave as daily COVID-19, Italys daily COVID-19 cases hit new high. I have seen some of the overwhelming evidence and it makes me sick that people are so quick to condemn. Thank God for the brave Alliance and other beings. Underneath the Vatican City lies the Vatican Necropolis, at depths ranging between 5-12 meters. After Armageddon is the 1,000 years of peacewhen Satan is locked up (no longer has any control over the Satanists and is rendered powerless) then the Gog and Magog test battle then our bodies being changed. For us, most of us had no idea it was going on but He sees all! Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; Thats over a 600% increase in gold reserves. Hi Roger, Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. Its the first time anyone has sent me a poem! Its been an exciting journey. This DVD is more than 2 hours long and the info will blow your mind off. These cookies do not store any personal information. More Gold Than You Can Imagine Found in the Tunnel Besides youve never heard anything like it and it sounds fantastic? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. In the city of Tomar stands the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, built in the second half of the 12th century by the provincial master of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. Last time I commented here I should have wrote to Marilyn Williams that I hope this story is true because I started to believe in Donald Trump when Kim Clement said of him, Trump is a Trumpet. I also heard from She Knows on You Tube that Chemtrails would or are being stopped. My job is simply to cause people to research. Thank you Father for all these blessings. What you now see in the sky is some kind of substance that is designed to clean up the skies and rid the toxins and chemicals out of the air. He told BBC Reel: We can say that when it comes to symbolic meaning, we are in the important place for the Templars in Portugal. In Croazia, Slovenia,Serbia si sono formate delle voragini nel terreno a seguito di piccoli terremoti sempre a 10 km di profondit. People have been thinking they are small earthquakes. You may ask why that would be? Watch Monkeyworks on You Tube. 6000 different maladies. He recently found out the who some of them were got their address, phone number and the lot! Someone could have found a golden island somewhere and kept it secret, and the gold thats in that tunnel is that island which doesnt exist anymore. May Gods TRUTH prevail, may justice be rendered, and may our world soon be aright as He determines! The Vatican necropolis was not originally one of the ancient Roman Catacombs but an open-air cemetery with tombs and mausolea. One of the more intriguing is the Vatican Necropolis laying underneath Saint Peter's Basilica. The amount of gold is absolutely huge and far more than anyone ever imagined. Thanks Marilyn for all your research and this reminds me of the scripture that says the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. No chance for arguments. Italy. the link. we must all remain ever vigilant exposing evil. Thank you for transcribing Gene Decodes work. Tja, an einem Ort muss man das Gelbezeug lagern und Amerika ist sogut wie der Mond. MURDER, MURDER, MURDER for centuries is the Jesuits in the name of their POWER & CONTROL, Not Jesus Kingdom. Yes, all so true! I recovered but never took another. vatican underground tunnels Hi jb, The Bible was put together over time. The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem - More Gold Than You Hello Roxanne! Yes, the Jubilee of all Jubilees is coming. I know He makes no mistakes so it was all part of His perfect plan, but so hard for us to comprehend. Hi Marilyn thanks for your work, esp bringing in the Christian element to the great awakening and keeping us updated on the greatest story ever told :). . It took me a long time to grasp hold of what they are referring to because I dont see that kind of thing in the Bible. Only 20% are awake at present. These expanded into tunnels and then were repurposed into a labyrinth of catacombs, space for mushroom farming, and an unofficial sewer system. Hi Jim, Youre welcome! Hi Marilyn, All the currencies around the world will be gold-backed. I am leaving a token of my appreciation for you and the readers. The Regavim Movement filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality on Tuesday, demanding law enforcement against an illegal subterranean tunnel dug by the Church of the Dormition on Mount Zion, in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City. . Do you know what loosh is? This four-mile sewer runs from Abbey Mills to Beckton, up to 80 metres below the surface. I heard Im Just Charlie say he got his degree on line. the weight of gold is 1206 lbs per cubic foot. The cubic feet of Gold that was supposedly found under the vatican would have weighed 74 trillions pounds or 37 billion tons! There are at least 5 out there that I have seen with overwhelming evidence he is quite shady. Cant wait to see the ending. If this is so, as Nesara/Gesara is rolled out and the Quantum Education System begins, Im quite sure these books will become available to everyone. What ever you believe today, will be your reality tomorrow. "Lines of Buses with darkened windows are seen taking the children away from their underground hell. How very sad it is that these places have simply stored it away while people all over the world have been starving, or not having any idea where their next meal is coming from. How long did it take them? Secondly, he is quite a shady character. I am living in Bulgaria in a town named Plovdiv, and it looks like it is on the route of that tunnel. Do not believe in reincarnation!!!!!. Hi Billie! I cannot say, but it makes me feel better! Wont it be wonderful when our troubled world is flooded with light. But historian Daniel Jones previously debunked this myth during an interview on Dan Snows History Hit. . Censorship. Gitmo nah, cant prove anything! As for me, I dont claim anything I simply research and share what I find. tunnels and underground excavations, horizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature's action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone. What remains of. What They Intended For Evil, God Turns For Good, Have Faith in God Entreats President Trump. Hi Tom! If you would like to know about the Jesuits, Catholicism and why they hate the KJ Bible. With the amount of money, gold, and assets the Cabal has everyone on eart could be paid at least 100 grand. Such an exciting time we are living in!!! Judge and research for yourself please. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water.
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