{{createdBranch.repository}} - accesses details of the branchs repository, {{createdBranch.repository.id}} - returns the repositorys ID, {{createdBranch.repository.name}} - returns the repositorys name. For more information on when issues is available, see, Multiple comments on the active issue (this example is explained in detail in, Properties for versions include:name, description, archived, released, releaseDate, "Customer Request Type" in older instances of Jira. {{issue.security.name}} - Returns the security level name. Select Automations - Create Rule. {{issue.timetracking.remainingestimate}} - Returns the value in the Time remaining field. See all smart values related to builds, deployments, and source code management. See all smart values that can access and manipulate text fields, such as issue summary or comments. The changed field value is available anywhere smart values are supported using the{{fieldChange}}substitution. {{issue.Customer Request Type}} - Returns the customer request type for older Jira instances. You can access all fields of the parent. {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices}}- Returns the list of services that this issue's services depend on. {{version.archived}} - Returnstrue if the version is archived, andfalse if not. Can you please assist us in working out the following issues? In the following example, we list each comment that an issue has, and include the author and creation date/time: In this example, we return the name of the person who added the last comment on an issue: Used to access the values in an issue's Components field. These smart values are only available for the Build successful, Build failed and Build status changed development triggers. {{version.id}} - Returns the version's ID. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many Affects versions), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual component. Go to Jira administration console > System > Webhooks (in the Advanced section). Automation is currently available in Jira Software Cloud and Confluence Cloud. The{{#if }} statement does not seem to work :(, {{issue.issuetype.name}} | {{ #if( eq(issue.issuetype.name, "Task")) }} This is a task {{ / }}. {{pullRequest.updatedDate}} returns the time (UTC) when the pull request was last updated (created, declined or merged), e.g. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. You can specify a default value to prevent this. If this issue is in an Epic, then epic refers to the Epic issue. Note that repository contains additional nested smart values. Used with the Related issues condition. - theIssue transitionedtrigger). Suggestion re: {{approval}} Smart Value and subfields - Atlassian Hi John, thanks a lot for your quick response. [property]}} Learn more about user smart values, {{approval.completedDate}} - Returns completion date of approval. Automation for Jira has a trigger that reads incoming webhooks, both in on-premises and cloud intances. An environment represents a distinct ecosystem where products are deployed to. {{sprint.isStarted}} - Returnstrue if the sprint has started, andfalse if not. For example, the smart value{{now.plusDays(5)}} references the current time and adds 5 days to it, while {{issue.summary}} will print off the summary of the issue. Otherwise, register and sign in. Looking forward to see it implemented soon! Accesses the values in an issue'sAffected services field. If multiple values are changed, use # to iterate over these. Join now to unlock these features and more. Triggers can be set to run manually, based on a condition you set or scheduled. {{attachment.author.active}}: Returnstrue if their account is active, andfalse if not. Click Create a webhook. You can also use this withlists. Working with incoming webhook data in Automation for Jira {{issue.Request Type.requestType.name}} - Returns the customer request type. To get a concrete example, let's consider the payload below: Here are some examples of ways to test the JSON path to get the right data in the smart values, so you can get it right on your first try! {{createdBranches.repository.url}} - returns the URLs of each repository. @Daniel Ramotowski, more people seem to be interested in this functionality, as there was already a ticket open forhttps://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JIRAAUTOSERVER-212 ! {{environment.name}} returns the use-provided name for the environment, e.g. Seeaccesing multi-value fields.Properties for versions include:name, description, archived, released, releaseDate. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. For example, when setting multiple Fix Versions, then you can iterate over these using{{#changelog.fixVersion}}{{toString}}. I found both of these smart values seemed to work: If neither of these work for you, there are a few other options in those linked questions you can try :), {{sprint.name}} returns only the sprint that started and which triggered this automation event. Examples of how you can use smart values to access and format items in a list, such as checkboxes and labels. For example, you can use the following smart values to send a Slack message that includes the issue key and issue summary: {{issue.key}} {{issue.summary}}. Triggers will listen for events in Jira, such as when an issue is created or when a field value is changed. For example, when an issue is transitioned you can see what status the issue transitioned from. {{issue. Find issues that have the same custom field date as trigger issue. See all smart values that take issue fields and convert them into JSON format. What goes around comes around! Learn about the concepts and procedures related to automation in Jira Cloud. For example if a rule has both a Create branch in GitHub action and a Create branch in GitLab action, {{createdBranches}} will return the values of both branches as a list. For example,{{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers.displayName}} will return their names. You could then use this to count the number of issues returned. See all smart values related to Assets in Jira Service Management Cloud. Learn more about user smart values. Conditions allow you to narrow the scope of your rule. Prints the issue key and its status (e.g. You were right, the rule was running too quickly, so the field was empty.I modify de trigger to give it time, and got the result expected. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many fix versions), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual fix version. This smart value only works for issues that have been added to an epic. You can also use this withlists. What goes around comes around! {{rule.actor}} - Accesses the rule actor user. Also provides the customer portal URL forJira Service Management requests. {{deletedFieldChanged.values}} - Returns the value/values deleted. :{{issue.properties.some.value}}. {{build.name}} returns the name of the build, e.g. Share the love by gifting kudos to your peers. This will return a list of values, if the issue has more than one attachment. There should be a locked field named either "Request Type" or "Customer Request Type" there. Approval required: accesses information when an issue that requires approval is created or updated, or when new approvers are added to an issue. {{issue.issueType.name}} -Returns the issue's type, for exampleStory,Bug, orTask. https://bitbucket.org/account/repo/TEST-123-some-feature, {{pullRequest.destinationBranch.repository}}, https://bitbucket.org/{7faf7dee-a29b-4faa-bbc2-d7128a6d3278}/{315a3ecb-1f18-4953-98ae-5890f93073b5}/addon/pipelines/home#!/results/7, [feature/ISSUE-123-some-work, feature/ISSUE-456-more-work], https://bitbucket.org/{6d6d87be-bdc2-42b5-ad8f-85cb915abc38}/{80c30dd6-2d2f-401c-ac33-8317adbc509d}/addon/pipelines/deployments#!/deployments/{888ba48c-0011-5a46-9d59-8da313851383}, Best practices for optimizing automation rules, View performance insights for automation rules, Connect your automation rule to another tool. Exclusive to the Approval required trigger: {{approval.initiator}} - Returns account id of initiator of request. This example shows the previous status id (for use in another Edit action). I would like the value that enters the text field to be the name of the sprint that created the trigger. {{flag.key}} returns the key of the feature flag. This smart value requires an expensive reload of issue data and should only be used in situations where subsequent actions need to have visibility of the latest state of an issue, e.g. Learn more about user smart values. It resets every quarter so you always have a chance! Using this branch component, we can move away from the main trunk of the rule and work on related issues. The rule is running too quickly after the issue is created. Is the IF statement available for Server version? Used with the Version created, Version updated, and Version released triggers. Learn more about date smart values. This value supports Date and Time functions. Keep earning points to reach the top of the leaderboard. Access information related to all branches created in the rule, as a list. {{issue.epic.key}} - Returns the epic's key, e.g. You can set triggers to run on a schedule or as needed. Learn more about list smart values. Learn more about date and time smart values. They kick off the execution of your rules. View topic Find the smart value for a field Learn how to find the right Jira automation smart values for your issue fields in Jira Cloud. Do more to earn more! {fieldChange.toString}}- Returns the new value as displayed. When an issue is raised without an assignee, auto-assign to whoever created it. You can view the audit log of an individual rule, project-wide or at a global level. {{createdBranches.name}} - returns the names of the branches, {{createdBranches.url}} - returns the URLs of the branches. Jira Automation: Building New Rules in 5 Easy Steps - Hevo Data A list of issues that have been created in the rule. {{issue. Learn how to use automation in Confluence Cloud, and see what components and variables you can use to build rules. {{issue.duedate}} - Returns theissue's due date. issue The active issue. Is the IF statement available for Server version? Now, I want to run automation even without a sprint trigger (scheduled trigger). Smart values allow you to access and manipulate a wide range of issue data within your site. "sd.public.comment".internal}}, Best practices for optimizing automation rules, View performance insights for automation rules, Connect your automation rule to another tool. Go to templates. Jira automation - Data Center and Server (Latest), Examples of using smart values with dates, Examples of using smart values with lists, Examples of using math expression smart values, Examples of using smart values with text strings. {{changelog.issuetype}} - Changelog information for theIssue type field. They often contain sub-tasks, are stories that are part of a larger epic, or are simply linked to other issues using certain relationships. See all smart values related to accessing Jira project details. {{commit.repository.name}} returns the name of the repository, e.g. That looks a little odd. {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers}} - Returns the account ID of all change approvers of the issue's services. And the rule itself? global admin section. Otherwise, register and sign in. Webhooks - Atlassian Join the Kudos program to earn points and save your progress. Field value changed Available in Server Lite: No 2 edit issue actions that need to 'add' to the value of a field instead of overwriting it). {{deletedFieldChanged.fieldId}} - Returns the fieldId of the field that has changed due to deletion of a value. Multiple comments on the active issue (this example is explained in detail inhow to use smart values), Components of an issue as a list. Story points are integral for many agile teams. Join now to unlock these features and more. You can access an insight field's full name, key, or summary through the following smart values: You can access a Tempo Account field's properties through the following smart values: To test what your smart value returns, use the, The active issue. Accesses information relating to the sprint that triggered the rule. I am glad to learn that helped you. 2 edit issue actions that need to 'add' to the value of a field instead of overwriting it). {addedfieldChange.valueIds}} - Returns the id/ids of new value/values added. The issue is not so much with the smart values itself, but with the {{#if }} statement. {{issue.comments.author.displayName}} - Returns the comment authors. I'll ask one of their team to update you here. Challenges come and go, but your rewards stay with you. {addedfieldChange.field}} - Returns the field which has changed due to addition of a value. when setting multiple Fix Versions) then you can iterate over these using the{{#changelog.fixVersion}}{{toString}}{{/changelog.fixVersion}}expression. The legacy Insight App will reach end of service on March 31, 2022. This value supportsDate and Time functions. {{issue.affectedServices.tier}} - Returns the tiers of the issue's Affected services. For example, if the Assignee of a field changes, you could add a comment to the issue to note who the previous assignee was, and who the new assignee is. {{issue.latest.description}} - Returns the status's description. Issue commented, Added by: Clone Issue Action, Create Issue Action, Create Sub-tasks Action, A list of issues that have been created in the rule, The type of event that triggered the rule such as: jira:issue_updated :issue_commented. This re-fetches the latest state of the issue from Jira. To test what your smart value returns, use themanual triggerwithlog actionand the result displays in theaudit log. When there are multiple fields that have changed, {{fieldChange}}only contains the first changed value. Do more to earn more! Every rule starts with a trigger. The option to created linked issues (and then pick the blocked option) exists, but only to pick the issue from the trigger value or the most recently created issue to create a link. It is better to use this than name as it cannot be changed. PROJ-213, {{issue.epic.status.name}} - Returns the epic's status, e.g. Thisshould not be usedsince it requires an expensive reload of issue data. {{version.description}} - Returns the version's description. Seeaccesing multi-value fields.Properties for versions include:name, description, archived, released, releaseDate. Can be combined with other date smart values. Learn more about date and time smart values. {{comment.visibility.value}} - Returns the comment restriction label if any, e.g. Thanks for sharing the link back in this question, it might help others in future! Learn how to find the right Jira automation smart values for your issue fields in Jira Cloud. {{addedFieldChanged.fieldId}} - Returns the fieldId of the field that has changed due to addition of a value. Thank you@Bill Sheboy for answer,The custom field is a Date Picker type. Thisshould not be usedsince it requires an expensive reload of issue data. You could then use this to count the number of issues returned. Through the dot notation you can access fields like issue type, status and custom fields (details on how you can use these to interact with Jira's REST api arehere). {{addedFieldChanged.fieldType}} - Returns the fieldType of the field that has changed due to addition of a value. {{version.project.key}} - Returns the project key of the project the version belongs to. Solved: Using Automation to Link issues in a workflow with It looks like our Jira-server does not the{{#if }} statement :(, Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Share a use case, discuss your favorite features, or get input from the community, Smart value use of "{{#if }} does not seem to work, {{#if(issue.assignee.equals(issue.coordinator.accountId))}}.
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