answer choices. Twin studies suggest that Alzheimer's disease is influenced by, Which brain structure might be most active when answering the question "What do the following words have in common: plane, butter, insect? b. d.)3:1. shyness; social group. b.)depression. Cognition involves processes related to thinking, attention, memory, perception, problem-solving, knowing etc. b.)altruism. )clients transfer their problems onto their therapists, but the problem still exists. c.)dissociative disorder. Which of the following is NOT a reason for Gwen to be in this situation? c.)have increased autonomic nervous system arousal when awaiting aversive events. Identifying the specific genes that contribute to alcoholism would be of most direct interest to: The impact of genes on observable traits can vary in different environments. After rats were housed for 60 days in enriched environments, Kolb and Whishaw (1998) report that the number of synapses grew by about: b. b. )learned helplessness. The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior and personality traits is known as A. molecular genetics. )informational social influence. The theory of evolution was originally presented by Charles Darwin. d.)Those not undergoing therapy often improve, but those undergoing therapy are more likely to improve, and to improve more quickly and with less risk of relapse. d.)validity; standardization. Material from the introduction and chapters 1, 4, and 5 has been taken from the following essays by Marcus Nordlund: "Theorising Early Modern Jealousy: A Biocultural Perspective on Shake-speare's Othello," Studia Neophilologica 74, no. a. a. a. left-handers live longer than right-handers. )is the source of sexual and aggressive instinctual drives. )the self-reference phenomenon. d.)client's expectation that psychotherapy will make things better. Identical twins separated at birth and raised in completely different cultures would be most likely to have similar: We are likely to ________ the personality similarities among children in the same family and we are likely to ________ the personality similarities between parents and their children, At the age of 3 months, Kevin is removed from the home of his abusive biological parents and placed with adoptive parents who provide a happy, stable environment. \text{(Hint: Interest must be accrued. You agree. An evolutionary psychologist would be likely to suggest that human preferences for sweet-tasting foods: However, it generally may take up to ________ for this type of antidepressant to reach full effect. a. b. b. )medical b. Self-actualization is the ultimate psychological need. c.)delusional thinking. Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior andthe mind using principles of humanistic psychology. a. d.)the therapeutic alliance. Depending on environmental conditions, specific genes can be either The most controversial dissociative disorder involves extensive memory disruptions along with the presence of two or more distinct identities. b. The market prices of the investments are, AmericanInstrumentsbonds$850,000M&DCorporationbonds$1,460,000(Hint:Interestmustbeaccrued. Using the principles of natural selection, _________________ studies how behavior and the mind have evolved. She knows a little about different therapies and has decided she doesn't want to get involved in anything long term. )standardization; validity d.)Italy, Which of the following is the lowest reported psychological disorder in the United States in 2008? c.)cyclothymic disorder. Although her work performance is adequate, Gina almost always feels slightly down and sad. d. a. )People in the psychotherapy group actually improve at a slower rate than the people in the untreated group. c.)psychoanalysis )nicotine can temporarily increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter overabundant in people with depression. The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior is known as A) molecular genetics. )maternal instinct According to evolutionary psychologists, our predisposition to overconsume fatty junk foods illustrates that we are biologically prepared to behave in ways that promoted the ________ of our ancestors. )biological psychologist. b. b. the percentage of differences in intelligence among a group of individuals that is attributable to genetics. d. Dr. c. )social anxiety disorder. c.)harmony. )A young woman marries her high school sweetheart. Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by the opinions of others display: )long-term potentiation. Discuss. What portion of the agencys assets are composed of cash (i.e., Fund Balance with Treasury)? d.)linkage analysis. c.)lithium a. )cognitive dissonance. They vandalized the opposing team's field and the police had to be called in. )oral This is known as the: a.)individualism. )Darlene effectively cope with posttraumatic stress disorder. AACB10.090.03B20.220.10B30.150.09B40.200.12. a. a. )She can set up the learning laboratory in a room above a restaurant. Extremely stressful experiences can change overall optimistic explanatory styles into more pessimistic styles. )binge eating an purging by self-induced vomitting, Patricia has been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. b. a. Similar to this, evolutionary psychologists contend that women may emphasize long-term relationships more strongly since such partnerships are better for rearing children. According to Allport, personality should be described in terms of: )generalized anxiety disorder. Although EP has yielded many theoretical advances and empirical discoveries, it has provoked resistance from some scholars in the social sciences ( Confer et al., 2010; Laland and Brown, 2011 ). b. b. c.)behavioral conditioning therapy. After three days of taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) Dennis is disappointed because he is not feeling any better. Stephen Ilardi and his colleagues have developed training seminars promoting therapeutic lifestyle change. conscious and unconscious mental activity. Since the time of Darwin, there have been many other scientists who have. Naima washes her hands about 50 times a day because she is afraid of the germs that seem to be everywhere. forties. C) develop their own theories. a. b. (True Answer )Correct interaction. a.)serotonin. The early school of psychology known as functionalism was developed by: William James Which psychologist was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology after Harvard University declined to give Mary Calkins the Ph.D.? )the trait perspective. b. B) describe how experimental hypotheses were derived from basic psychological principles. a. b. When researchers combine and summarize the results of studies using this strategy, what overall conclusions emerge? )the motivation to fulfill one's potential. )disordered thinking. Concepts of masculinity and femininity that influence our comprehension of the world are called gender: An adopted child's chances of developing schizophrenia ________ if the biological parents have schizophrenia. b. Evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to predict that A) more people are biologically predisposed to fear guns than to fear snakes. Consciousness is d.)All of these things classify Naima's behavior as a psychological disorder. c.)She can make sure the participants know that she has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university. )persistent depressive disorder. c.)not including homosexuality as a mental disorder. a. The movement grew in opposition to the two mainstream 20th-century trends in psychology, behaviourism and psychoanalysis. )do not increase; increase a. In 2016, 21 of 24 CFO Act agencies received unmodified audit opinions. This disorder is called: b.)psychoanalysis. c.)hallucinations. a. )token economy. a. )4 weeks Evolutionary psychology, often known as the study of behavior, mind, and emotion, is a branch of evolutionary psychology. This most strongly suggests that dissociative identity disorder may involve: This variation in an inherited trait is due to: In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. )rapidly in response to a stressful life situation. )representing the consensus of a wide range of mental health professionals from many different organizations and perspectives. )She can have a second confederate in the room; the confederate should be a role model for defiant behavior. The Evolutionary Perspective Evolutionary psychology focuses on the study of how the theory of evolution can explain physiological processes. You want to know whether having a nationally ranked football program means more or less money for academic programs at your university. c.)are genetically predisposed. c.)linkage analysis. Taro and Kiichi are fraternal twins being raised by the same parents; Helene and Victoire are identical twins being raised by the same parents. d.)only include males in his study. b. )have normal frontal lobe cognitive functions. c.)escape from real-life pressures offered by psychotherapy. Alternately, only one partner at any one time (serial monogamy) as compared to the various forms of non-monogamy (e.g., polygamy or polyamory).The term is also applied to the social behavior of some animals, referring to the state of . People with this personality disorder are so fearful of rejection that it predisposes them to withdraw from society. d.)obsessive-compulsive disorder. d.)1 week, A patient recently admitted to the hospital is complaining of auditory hallucinations. Psychodynamic therapy has been found to be especially successful in the treatment of: The current meta-analysis examined 41 studies drawn primarily from North America and Europe and published between 1978 to 2020. c.)2:1. a. )natural selection. According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious: What is the probability that B2B_2B2 occurs? Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human: genetic mutations.. What do psychologists who study evolution search for? b. )"Objectivity does not guarantee validity." )Biomedical therapy 1 in combination with 2 directs our attention as researchers not to parts of the brain but to the programs run by the brain. b. PET scan. b. George's experience is most directly explained by: By insisting that humans are "nothing but" products of nature and nurture, we run the greatest risk of undermining: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. )obsessive-compulsive disorder. A large-scale World Health Organization (2004) studybased on 90-minute interviews of 60,463 peopleestimated the number of prior-year mental disorders in 20 countries. Three benefits attributed to all psychotherapies are: b. c.)Maslow's hierarchy of needs. To help Monica overcome her nearly irresistible craving for chocolate, a therapist provides her with a supply of chocolate candies that contain solidified droplets of a harmless but very bitter-tasting substance. c.)There is no known link between smoking and depression. )nicotine can temporarily increase norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter scarce in people with depression. The professor's suggestion best illustrates a(n) ________ theory. Lars is an excellent violinist. )aversive conditioning. humanistic psychologists a historically significant perspective that emphasized human growth potential. c.)the fundamental attribution error. b. Bipolar disorder affects women and men in a ratio of: A. larger bodies The fundamental attribution error best illustrates that we may often underestimate the importance of: a. b. hippocampus Research suggests that an especially effective treatment for her difficulty would involve: b. The old dogma has always been that the most complex aspects of human emotions are driven by culture; Germans and English are thought to be straight-laced whereas Italians and Indians are effusive. )The behavior is dysfunctional for Naima. d.)learned helplessness. a. )All of these things cause you to start smiling. b. c.)Jose, who has a catatonia a.)self-transcendence. personality; political attitudes These seminars would likely be most effective in helping: b. a. Powered by Cognero. )12 According to your textbook, DSM-5 has been criticized for: A) naturalistic observation . )mere exposure effect This best illustrates the process of: The importance of rewards and punishments in gender-typing is emphasized by ________ theory. b. )maladaptive disorder d.)7 in 10. Oxygen deprivation at the time of birth is a known risk factor for: This approach to treatment best illustrates: Which region of the brain will a fMRI show as active when a person is looking at a photo? 2 (2002): 146-60 and "The Problem of Romantic Love: Shakespeare and Evolutionary Psychology" in . a. Diane is constantly concerned about things at work even when she is at home. )Tonya, who has the positive symptoms of schizophrenia d.)automatically taking our usual exit off the highway because we are so preoccupied by our thoughts that we forget about our plans to go to a different destination. The next week, your wife can't believe you agreed to put the 3-foot sign on the front lawn. The two sisters are most strikingly different in, Exceptionally timid and cautious infants tend to become shy and unassertive adolescents. chromosomes or genomes. b. a. a. a.)altruism. The only reason she survived is because her husband came home from work early. b. c. d.)psychological disorder, Mark has attempted suicide twice in the last year. the ability to solve problems, reason, and remember. a. b. e. genes or prenatal factors play a role in handedness. )a dissociation. b. c.)selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). c.)cooperation and social success at school. d.)the attitudes-follow-behavior principle, Following the introduction of school desegregation in the United States and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, White Americans expressed ___________ racial prejudice. )the reality principle; the pleasure principle c.)systematic desensitization. )2 weeks b. College students were asked to pretend that they were accused murderers. e. c.)disruptions in conscious awareness. Acquired$900,000 of American Instruments 10% bonds at face value. Persuading depressed patients to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs about themselves and their futures is most characteristic of: This best illustrates the dangers of: d) behavior geneticist. Why is Naima's hand washing considered part of a psychological disorder, while Rana's is not? Lenore is continually tense and plagued by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. a.)2:3. Oct. 2. )linkage analysis. e. At about age 11 in girls and age 13 in boys, a surge of sex hormones triggers the onset of: Evolutionary psychology is the observation of behavior, concept, and feeling as regarded through the lens of evolutionary biology. c.)increase; do not increase Gina has worked as a human resources specialist for several years, but she doesn't really like the job. )the need to achieve. e. d.)traits. Which of the following pairings can be most easily explained by evolutionary psychology? a. The ___________ model assumes that mental disorders have physical causes that can be diagnosed and treated. a. This school of thought emphasize that evolution has influenced humans to provide a mating advantage through processes of natural and sexual selection. b.)self-actualization. In psychoanalysis, transference refers to the: a. b. overestimating cultural differences in human sexual behaviors. b. a.)asexual. John has been having difficulties getting out of bed, and is not interested in going out with friends or even answering the phone. c.)the foot-in-the-door phenomenon 30 seconds. b. a.)complexes. b.)resistance. It is an election year, and a volunteer asks if you would put a small sign in your yard. a. a. d.)erotic plasticity. )including some conditions that are too "normal" to be considered disorders, such as extreme sadness related to bereavement. The brains of people who suffer from depression tend to have low levels of: Marla's sense of social isolation and embarrassment result from the interaction of d.)Behavioral analysis. C) people are the most romantically attracted to those who are the most genetically dissimilar to themselves. a. One strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy is to compare people who enter psychotherapy with a matched control group of people who do not receive psychotherapy. The following selected transactions relate to investment activities of Ornamental Insulation Corporation during 2021. \text{American Instruments bonds}& \$ 850,000\\ Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that. b.)types. The chances for recovery from schizophrenia are considered to be greatest when the disorder develops: The process involves encoding, storing and retrieval. d.)long-term potentiation. Edgar responds to his daughter's fistfight with, "Good girls don't fight!" b. Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human: genetic mutations. b. Evolutionary psychologists would most likely attribute Jack's motivation to, Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to be criticized for, Evolutionary psychology would probably have the most difficulty accounting for, c. differences in the sexual behavior patterns of Americans and Russians, Twin studies are of most direct concern to. b. He also wants a new cap, shirt, and sweater to match his father's. What was the increase or decrease in the agencys net position for the period examined? c.)chameleon effect. Compared with northern Europeans, people from Mediterranean cultures are ________ likely to be emotionally expressive and ________ likely to be punctual, In comparison to 40 years age, today American women are more likely to marry for the sake of, Genes are to the perpetuation of individuals as ________ are to the perpetuation of cultures. a. Children's English accents are more likely to be influenced by their ________ than by their ________. c.)schizophrenia. Jonah has schizophrenia. )Employed women have an hour more time to devote to taking care of the children. )illustrate neural plasticity. d.)mania. Memory can be defined as the internal storage or faculty that stores the information and facilitates in retrieval whenever required. A 3-month-old baby girl is always cheerful, relaxed, and predictable in terms of sleeping and eating. religious beliefs. Question 3. )Larry effectively cope with dissociative identity disorder. ", Your conscious awareness of your own name and self-identity depends primarily on the normal functioning of your, A football quarterback can simultaneously make calculations of receiver distances, player movements, and gravitational forces. a. )Psychosurgery )more people are biologically predisposed to fear guns than to fear snakes. )medulla c.)physical exercise. )narcissistic )gives rise to two personality types, the introvert and the extravert. )a smaller number of synapses. medulla b. b. The prenatal development of the external male sex organs is stimulated by: Prenatal testosterone secretions exert one of their earliest influences on: A genetically female child who receives excess testosterone during prenatal growth is subsequently likely to develop, d. more aggressive behavior patterns than most girls. Which Viewpoint would John Watson Most Likely Agree with? Parents should not take too much blame for the failures and shortcomings of their children because: d. parental behavior is only one of many factors that influence children's behavior, Those who inappropriately attribute children's troubling personality traits to inadequate parental nurture should be reminded of the importance of, Identical twins who have separate placentas are somewhat less similar than identical twins who share a placenta. a. b. d.)moral principle; pleasure principle, Alex is an 8-year-old who plays almost exclusively with the other boys at his grade school. )foot-in-the-door phenomenon. 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